Guest Column: HEROtini Mocktails for a Fun and Safe New Year!


We were pleased to read Ryan Loughlin’s article in At the Shore about the growing popularity of “Dry January” as a month-long movement to replace alcoholic beverages with no-proof mocktails. We applaud the local bars and taverns who offer their health-conscious patrons the non-alcoholic drink alternatives.

We also believe mocktails serve an important role in preventing drunken driving. Over the past 20 years, the John R. Elliott HERO Campaign has promoted the use of mocktails and designated drivers to reduce the number of intoxicated drivers on our roadways. At the Jersey Shore we have partnered with scores of bars, taverns and restaurants—including many on your list– to create tasty non-alcoholic drinks we call “HEROtinis”. In 2019 more than 30 establishments participated in our Great HEROtini Challenge, giving patrons the opportunity to vote for their favorite HERO mocktails created by bar owners and their servers.

They gave the drinks fun names, including “Grape Expectations,” “Shameless Sunrise,” “Mint to Go Home,” “Cuddles on the Beach” and “Tee Time.” More than 10,000 voters selected their favorite drinks and bars, and the funds raised helped us provide Atlantic City-area bar patrons free rides home over the holidays via Uber. We even created Great HEROtini Mocktail Collection recipe books, which are available through our website at

HEROtini mocktails are a good idea year-round, particularly for designated drivers who provide safe rides for their friends and families. Many mocktails taste like the real thing, giving designated drivers the opportunity to join in the fun and become the true “Life of the Party” when it’s time to go home. You can take our online HERO Pledge at, promising to be a safe and sober designated driver, then download a free digital HERO membership card. Many bars honor the card by offering free soft drinks.

We established the HERO Campaign to save lives in memory of our son, Navy Ensign John Elliott, who was killed in a collision with a drunken driver in July, 2000. The pain of his loss never goes away, nor the knowledge that he would have done great things had he lived. Each year, at our October HERO Walk in Ocean City, we also pay tribute to the sad but growing number of area families who have lost loved ones to DUIs. They share our belief that we can end drunk driving with common sense, mocktails and the use of designated drivers.

The HERO Campaign isn’t against drinking or having fun, just drinking and driving, which kills over 10,000 Americans annually. For bar owners, HEROtinis are a great way to say thank you to all the designated drivers who keep their patrons and our roads safer.


Whether you are taking part in Dry January, or if you’ve promised to be the designated driver for your friends, here are some tips for Dry January and the rest of 2022:

1. Plan ahead. If your plans include alcohol, choose a designated driver in advance.

2. Find a substitute non-alcoholic drink. Between the mocktails being served by so many local establishments and the HEROtini recipes in our book, you just can’t miss.

3. If you drink while you’re out, don’t drive. Your driving ability can be impaired after as few as one or two drinks. There are many ride options available to get everyone in your party home safely.


Let’s make 2022 a happy and safe new year. Be a HERO. Be a Designated Driver!


Bill and Muriel Elliott


The John R. Elliott HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers

January 12, 2022

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